Gifts of Christmas Joy

The 2nd graders in Mrs. Lingenfelter’s class at Grant Elementary learned a lot during the school year.  They created 101 gift bags for children in the Norfolk Good Neighbor program.   The students were involved in the planning, organizing, purchasing, wrapping and delivery of the gift bags. Mrs. Lingenfelter said of her students, “They learned how to help others and the joy they can give and receive themselves in return!  My 2nd grade students learned so much through our project of helping others! We even got to take a walking field trip and deliver our Christmas Gifts of Joy!  Students received a tour of the Norfolk Food Pantry and Good Neighbors and come away with many ideas to help others in the community.”gifts of christmas joy 3 gifts of christmas joy 4 gifts of christmas joy 5 gifts of christmas joy 9 gifts of christmas joy 10 gifts of christmas joy 11