Getting a Head Start – Montessori Fourth Graders

The students at Montessori are going to create literacy boxes for the Norfolk Public Schools’ preschoolers to use during the summer to help them maintain and increase their skills, and to help them be prepared for school in the fall. Mentor Organization: Read Aloud Norfolk

May 2013 Update: The fourth-graders are hard at work making the literacy boxes. They will be presenting them to the Pre-Schoolers on May 17th.

20130430_123815May 2013 Update:  The fourth-graders completed making 100 literacy boxes. They presented 75 of them to the Norfolk Public Preschoolers at their graduation celebration on May 17, 2013.  The other 25 literacy boxes were distributed to the preschoolers at the Wesley Center.  Kathy Farlee, project sponsor, said, “The students learned that working on a project for the good of others was actually fun, and it was worth giving up some of their free/play time to help with the project.  They also learned that they had to work together to get things done and that sometimes it was necessary to compromise on some of their ideas for the good of the project.  In addition to learning about the importance of helping others, the students were able to learn and apply many different skills in doing this project that will benefit them.”

 getting a head start presentation

 Getting a head start video of presentation